Washington-Baltimore Area Residents Named to University of Maryland Global Campus Alumni Association Advisory Board
Adelphi, MD (08/18/2021) — The University of Maryland Global Campus Alumni Association welcomed 16 members who will serve a two-year term on its Advisory Board. The board members represent the global UMGC alumni community, comprising graduates from across a variety of industries, experiences, and backgrounds.
Advisory board members volunteer their time to help shape the future of the university's global alumni community.
The Washington-Baltimore Area residents who joined the Advisory Board include:
Vernon Herron, Woodbine, MD ('00)
Dr. Laura Moore, Upper Marlboro, MD ('03, '04)
Dr. S Raschid Muller, Largo, MD ('10, '12 & '13)
Eric Sullivan, Davidsonville, MD ('00, '01)
Dr. Stacy Trammell, Columbia, MD ('03, '08)
Norman Workman, Rockville, MD ('87)
Mark E. Baker, Washington, DC ('10, '12)
Lis Driscoll, Washington, DC ('91)
Milton Hall, Washington, DC ('03)
James Muldoon, Washington, DC ('66)
Margaret Larkin, Arlington, VA ('17, '18)